29 July 2008

Incompetent Religion of "Peace"

Al-Qaeda calls for death of Saudi king for interfaith dialogue

Slow jihad? Dissimulation and creeping sharia? Al-Qaeda can't drive 55. "Al-Qaida urges Muslims to kill Saudi king for hosting interfaith dialogue," from the Associated Press, July 28:

An al-Qaida commander who escaped from a US prison has posted a Web video urging Muslims to kill the Saudi king for leading an interfaith conference in Madrid earlier this month.
Abu Yahia al-Libi, who escaped from Afghanistan's Bagram prison in 2005, says "bringing religions together...means renouncing Islam."
Saudi King Abdullah sponsored the dialogue among Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists, and encouraged all faiths to turn away from extremism.

Yeah, because those extremist Buddhists are just wreaking havoc.

But al-Libi says "equating Islam with other religions is a betrayal of Islam." He calls for "the speedy killing of this tyrant."
The 43-minute video was posted late Monday on an Internet site frequently used by militants. Its authenticity could not be independently verified.

Seriously now, how can they call it the religion of peace when they keep blowing shit like this out of their asses?

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