31 July 2008

Incompetent Muslim Brainwashing

Masab, son of West Bank Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef Converts to Christianity

By Avi Issacharoff

A moment before beginning his supper, Masab, son of West Bank Hamas leader Sheikh Hassan Yousef, glances at the friend who has accompanied him to the restaurant where we met. They whisper a few words and then say grace, thanking God and Jesus for putting food on their plates.

It takes a few seconds to digest this sight: The son of a Hamas MP who is also the most popular figure in that extremist Islamic organization, a young man who assisted his father for years in his political activities, has become a rank-and-file Christian. "I'm now called Joseph," he says at the outset.

Masab knows that he has little hope of returning to visit the Holy Land in this lifetime.
"I know that I'm endangering my life and am even liable to lose my father, but I hope that he'll understand this and that God will give him and my family patience and willingness to open their eyes to Jesus and to Christianity. Maybe one day I'll be able to return to Palestine and to Ramallah with Jesus, in the Kingdom of God."

Nor does he attempt to hide his affection for Israel, or his abhorrence of everything representing the surroundings in which he grew up: the nation, the religion, the organization.

"Send regards to Israel, I miss it. I respect Israel and admire it as a country," he says.

"You Jews should be aware: You will never, but never have peace with Hamas. Islam, as the ideology that guides them, will not allow them to achieve a peace agreement with the Jews. They believe that tradition says that the Prophet Mohammed fought against the Jews and that therefore they must continue to fight them to the death."

Is that the justification for the suicide attacks?

"More than that. An entire society sanctifies death and the suicide terrorists. In Palestinian culture a suicide terrorist becomes a hero, a martyr. Sheikhs tell their students about the 'heroism of the shaheeds.'"

And yet, in spite of the criticism of the place he left, California can't make the longings disappear.

"I miss Ramallah," he says. "People with an open mind. ... I mainly miss my mother, my brothers and sisters, but I know that it will be very difficult for me to return to Ramallah soon."


This took a lot of courage, hope more muslims soon become former muslims. I have a feeling that Masab's days are numbered if his father gets a hold of him and administers an honor killing.

29 July 2008

Incompetent Muslim Bitches

Here's a link to two black muslim cunts who assault a man on the street because they don't agree with what he said about Mohammad being a pedophile.

Of course we all know that Mohammad was a pedophile - according to Mohammad himself, he is a pedophile. These ignorant bitches, in their effort to fight rather than debate, end up going to jail which is where all incompetent muslims belong.


Incompetent Religion of "Peace" Part 2

Radical Islam gains ground in campuses

Poll attacked over claim that a third of Muslim students think killing in the name of religion is justified and 40 per cent support sharia law in the UK

Almost third of Muslim students on Britain's campuses believe killing in the name of religion can be justified, according to a controversial survey described as the most comprehensive of its kind.

The poll, conducted for Islam on Campus, a new report from the Centre for Social Cohesion think-tank, also found that 40 per cent of those interviewed supported the introduction of sharia law for British Muslims.

But the findings have been fiercely attacked by student groups which described the poll's methodology as 'deeply flawed' and accused the report's authors of isolating Muslims.

The YouGov survey found that 32 per cent of Muslim students polled said killing in the name of religion was justified, compared to 2 per cent of non-Muslims. A third of those polled said they supported a worldwide Islamic caliphate, or government, and more than half - 54 per cent - supported the idea of having their own political party at Westminster. Just under a quarter did not believe men and women were equal in the eyes of Allah, while 25 per cent said they had little or no respect for homosexuals.

'These findings are deeply alarming,' said Hannah Stuart, the report's co-author. 'Students in higher education are the future leaders of their communities. Yet significant numbers of them appear to hold beliefs which contravene liberal democratic values.'

But the claims were met with a ferocious response from the National Union of Students. 'This is just another report by a biased, right-wing think-tank whose conclusions are drawn from an extremely limited number of students,' said Wes Streeting, president of the NUS. 'It is a wilful misrepresentation of the views of Muslim students designed to create as sensational a picture as possible. It can serve only to generate a climate of fear on campuses.'

Ed Husain, author of The Islamist and a former member of the radical group Hizb ut-Tahrir, which has been banned from most campuses, has claimed that universities are a fertile breeding ground for extremists.

In 2005, Professor Anthony Glees of Brunel University said that he had identified 'extremist and/or terror groups' at 30 universities. But his claims were largely dismissed by many academics and the NUS.

More recently, the government has published guidelines on combating Islamic extremism on university campuses. The higher education minister, Bill Rammell, said recently: 'There is evidence of serious, but not widespread, Islamist extremist activity in higher education institutions.'

In June, the government launched a series of roadshows at British universities aimed at countering the threat of campus radicalisation.

Stuart said that the report's findings showed there were signs of growing religious segregation on campuses. 'These results are deeply embarrassing for those who have said that there is no extremism in British universities.'

The report, based on a poll of 600 Muslims and 800 non-Muslims and which also drew on face-to-face interviews with representatives from leading student groups, also showed some members of Islamic societies held opinions that were significantly more extreme than those of non-members.

Douglas Murray, director of the Centre for Social Cohesion (CSC), said the findings showed that groups such as the Federation of Student Islamic Societies, which claims to represent the 90,000 Muslim students attending Britain's universities, could not claim to represent mainstream opinion.

'It is vital that students and government understand that groups like [the federation] - who represent a highly conservative interpretation of Islam - are not representative of all Muslim students,' Murray said. 'Empowering these groups risks giving an official stamp of approval to extreme forms of Islam.'

But Streeting disagreed. 'The CSC has an unhealthy obsession with Muslims and Islam,' he said. 'Muslim societies are the key to forging a culture of inclusivity and the way this report suggests that they are part of the problem is extremely damaging.'

The report also found that many non-Muslim students hold negative attitudes towards Islam. Half of the non-Muslim students polled believed Islam and western democracy were incompatible. More than three-quarters said they believed men and women were not considered equal in Islam.

The writing is on the wall in the UK - how many years before it becomes an islamic caliphate? I give it ten years at the most. During that time, the US, France, Germany and other western countries ought to round up the uppity muslims living in their countries and deport them all to the UK. The native Britons can then assume their place in the free west. The UK will look like Afghanistan by the year 2025 if not before.

Incompetent Religion of "Peace"

Al-Qaeda calls for death of Saudi king for interfaith dialogue

Slow jihad? Dissimulation and creeping sharia? Al-Qaeda can't drive 55. "Al-Qaida urges Muslims to kill Saudi king for hosting interfaith dialogue," from the Associated Press, July 28:

An al-Qaida commander who escaped from a US prison has posted a Web video urging Muslims to kill the Saudi king for leading an interfaith conference in Madrid earlier this month.
Abu Yahia al-Libi, who escaped from Afghanistan's Bagram prison in 2005, says "bringing religions together...means renouncing Islam."
Saudi King Abdullah sponsored the dialogue among Jews, Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Buddhists, and encouraged all faiths to turn away from extremism.

Yeah, because those extremist Buddhists are just wreaking havoc.

But al-Libi says "equating Islam with other religions is a betrayal of Islam." He calls for "the speedy killing of this tyrant."
The 43-minute video was posted late Monday on an Internet site frequently used by militants. Its authenticity could not be independently verified.

Seriously now, how can they call it the religion of peace when they keep blowing shit like this out of their asses?

Incompetent Muslim Logic

The West tarnishing peaceful image of Islam: JI


JAMAAT-e-Islami Secretary General Syed Munawar Hassan has criticised the West for what he called ‘deliberate tarnishing of the peaceful image of Islam.’

The real terrorists are Washington, Tel Aviv and Delhi who usurped Muslims’ land and now they are out to maim them with their lethal chemical and biological weaponry besides calling them terrorists, he said while addressing a training workshop of party cadre of Vehari district at Mansoorah on Saturday.

Referring to the history of Muslim warriors, he said Muslims refrained from unnecessary bloodshed because Islam strictly prohibits harming non combatant citizens, women and children. Such positive attitude caused massive conversions to Islam, he said. While on the other hand millions of people were killed in the World Wars I and II, Munawar said adding that the US killed millions of people in Japan by testing nuclear bombs on innocent civilians, besides massacring millions of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan after 9/11. This brutality mocked the US claims of searching the WMDs as they themselves used much more deadly weapons to kill Muslim civilians and destroy basic infrastructure in Iraq and Afghanistan, he said. He said there was western plan to divide Muslims on the basis of caste, colour and language. He said Western societies were willing to give places in their respective countries to build mosques and Islamic centres but they were not willing to allow the Muslims to practise Islam in everyday lives. He said those Muslims who wanted to practice Islamic teachings, economy, politics and foreign policy (jihad) were immediately branded as terrorists.

He flayed President Pervez Musharaf for patronising the ‘so-called’ enlightened moderation in the country which he said was introduced to contain the spirit of jihad under various pretexts. The West is presenting the Holy Quran as book of war, therefore, they were acting upon a plan to exclude it from the educational system of Pakistan.


"Islam strictly prohibits harming non combatant citizens, women and children" - Oh really? Someone ought to let the islmaic terrorists murdering "non combatant citizens, women and children" all over the world that occurs on a daily basis. But I guess they can rationalize all of those "combative" kids dancing in Bali, the "combative" office workers in the WTC, the "combative" commuters in London and Madrid. What a crock of shit islam really is.

If anyone is "tarnishing the peaceful image of islam" it is the islamists themselves. I didn't see the west terrorizing islam on 9/11 when these closeted homosexuals decided to kill 3000 innocent people in an act of cowardice so pathetic it makes your garden variety prison bitch looks like a hero.

Islam need to be defined as what it really is - a suicide cult of deranged paedophiles and animal fuckers intent on creating a wild sex club out of the civilized western world. Islam needs to be eliminated from the face of the earth before they destroy and fuck every available young boy and goat.

Incompetent Islamic Jihadis

The Trials of the Turkish Jihadi

“(It) is a very sensitive topic, so sensitive it can break many people’s hearts, and so delicate it can destroy many Mujahideens’ dreams.” A senior Jihadi offers us an unusually frank insight into problems of recruiting dedicated and disciplined foA suicide attack on the Indian Embassy in Kabul in July killed 41 people.reign fighters to battle U.S. and allied forces in Afghanistan.

The stone in the heart of Ebu Yasir el-Turki is the Turkish Jihadi who leaves his home in Adana, Konya or Gaziantep to fight alongside the Taliban and militant Muslim brothers hailing from Saudi Arabia, Chechnya, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Egypt, or Europe. The portrait he paints, — with evident embarassment, for he appears to be a Turk himself — is of ‘fairweather Jihadis’ seeking swift, easy glory and a quick return home, there to live comfortably off richly embroidered stories of derring-do.

“At the moment, in the Jihadist communities in Afghanistan, Turks are not very valued. They are considered guests who have come on a vacation, with exceptions,” Yasir, of the guerrilla Islamic Jihad Union, says in an interview posted on the Turkish Jihadist website Sehadet Vakti (Time for Martyrdom) and translated by the SITE Intelligence Group.

“The Turks here are so famous that they are given as examples in many conversations. They say ‘do not do as the Turks do’ or ‘do not be as Turks are’… Believe me, no community wants to accept these Turkish Mujahideen.”

Why, then, this washing of dirty linen in the very public realm of cyberspace? Yasir clearly sees a broader problem for the Mujahideen.

Too many Turkish volunteers, he says, are moved by emotion rather than genuine religious zeal. They can be weak people, who choose jihad as an escape from social and private problems. Watching a video about Jihad and martyrdom in the comfort of an air-conditioned flat in Turkey is one thing.

“But it is different here. Sometimes they have to stay in a room … for months, when it is hot and cold.”

They come saying they will stay for a year, seeking death and revenge against Western occupiers, but passions subside and many leave after only a few months. Security experts and diplomats in Kabul talk of an increased level of foreign fighters this year; most of all Pakistanis, but after that Chechens, Uzbeks, Arabs and Turks. The Afghan intelligence agency, the National Directorate of Security, said this week they had caught a Turk, a Saudi and a Kuwaiti in Paktia province, close to the Pakistani border.

Yasir makes some revealing observations about his Turkish brethren and by implication, about Turkey.

“Praise be unto Allah, we started to improve them, but it is very difficult. Every Turkish brother comes as a commander and they do not like being under (anyone’s) command because they were brought up in a democratic environment. They feel the need to express their ideas on every subject,” he said.A U.S. soldier on patrol in Ghazani Province.

Talk of Jihad and sacrifice turn to a longing for the comforts of home. The Turk would have grown up in a secular order and, Yasir seems to say, the mantle of the Jihadist hangs ill about his shoulders. He lacks also the fear of persecution when he returns that helps motivate the Egyptian, the Uzbek or the Chechen.

“The excuses are standard.”

If he is married, he has to return to sort out his wife’s problems, if single, he must go back to marry, or he is depressed or he argues with camp instructors. “We are fighting here, not playing games,” the Turks are told. “This is not a tourist facility for you to be able to say ‘I decided I am leaving.’ Is Allah’s religion so simple for you?”

The faint of heart parry his rebukes, referring back to early jihads that, they say, lasted only four months. “May Allah reclaim these brothers,” says Yasir.

So, they go.

This, for the Jihadis back in Afghanistan, is where the problems begin. Back in Turkey, the failed Mujahideen assumes the role of returning hero, collecting money, rallying admirers and then sending them off to Afghanistan. There they pitch up, unbidden and unwanted. What, Yasir asks, do we do with them then?

A suicide attack on the Indian Embassy in Kabul killed 41 people in July “Here our purpose is not to disparage anyone,” says Yasir. “It is to show people their mistakes.”

The Turks, says Yasir, have had their distinguished fighters and martyrs, especially in the early years after the U.S.-led invasion when he says they numbered about 2,000. Now he estimates there are about 150 Turkish Jihadi though there is no way of verifying this. He talks with some reverence of Cuneyt Cifti, known by the codename Saad Ebu Furkan, who in March drove a truck packed with explosives into an Afghan and allied army compound, killing two allied soldiers and two Afghan civilians.

Though a Turk by family background, Cifti grew up largely in Germany.

Yasir acknowledges the hardship in the mountains and on the plains of Afghanistan. The number of Mujahideen who hold out for five years is small, “not more than the fingers on one hand”; but those who come should agree to stay for at least one year and should come out of religious conviction and not emotion.

“If we do it, we should do it right, or it might be better to stay where we are and not go to the battlefields … (and) create problems for the Mujahideen.”


Looks like the rare civilized muslims are realizing that fighting for a cult isn't what is is cracked up to be. Why yes, there is more to life than strapping explosives on your body to murder innocent people, raping young boys in the desert and fucking goats. Someday there will be few retarded muslims left to carry out the work of these deranged homosexuals who like to call themselves jihadis.

24 July 2008

Incompetent Muslim Logic

Gays in Iraq terrorized by threats, rape, murder

BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) -- Kamal was just 16 when gunmen snatched him off the streets of Baghdad, stuffed him in the trunk of a car and whisked him away to a house. But the real terror was about to begin.

The men realized he was gay, Kamal said, when he took his shirt off and they saw his chest was shaved.

"They told me to take off my clothes to rape me or they would kill me immediately. This moment was the worst moment in my life," he told CNN, weeping as he spoke of the 2005 ordeal.

"I was watching them taking off their clothes, preparing to rape me. I did not know what to do, so I started shouting loudly, 'Please do not do that! I will ask my family to give you whatever you want.'"

His pleas went unheeded. "The other two kidnappers took off my clothes by force and, at that time, I saw them as three dirty animals trying to tear my body apart."

He was held for 15 days, released only after his family paid a $1,500 ransom. He was raped every day. Only once, he said, was he allowed to talk to his family during captivity. "I told my family that I was beaten by them, but I did not dare to tell my family that I was raped by them. I could not say it, it's too much shame."

CNN spoke with Kamal, now 18, and his 21-year-old friend, Rami, about what it's like to be gay in Iraq. Coming out as gay is not easy in any country, but to do so in Iraq could mean a death sentence or torture.

The two men rarely show feelings toward each other in public. They spend a lot of time in Internet cafes in Baghdad, surfing gay chat rooms and seeking contacts with other gay men in Iraq and elsewhere.

Since the fall of Saddam Hussein in 2003, the situation for gays and lesbians in Iraq has deteriorated. Ridiculed under Hussein, many now find themselves the targets of violence, according to humanitarian officials.

Lesbians are also victims of harassment and violence, but not nearly as often as gay men.

It's unknown how many homosexuals have been killed by militias in the lawless streets of Iraq's cities, but some Web sites post pictures of Iraqis they say were killed for being gay.

One photo on the Iraqi Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender site shows a group of men standing around three male bodies sprawled on a street, blood pouring from their heads. "Gay Iraqi victims of the police and death squads," the site says.

A U.N. report on human rights in Iraq reinforces the accusations of violence. Although gays are supposed to be protected by law in Iraq, it says, they face extreme brutality.

"Armed Islamic groups and militias have been known to be particularly hostile toward homosexuals, frequently and openly engaging in violent campaigns against them," the report said, adding that homosexuals have been murdered.

"Militias are reportedly threatening families of men believed to be homosexual, stating that they will begin killing family members unless the men are handed over or killed by the family," it said.

The report was issued at the end of 2006 and is the last U.N. study to touch on the subject.

Human rights experts say homosexuals are targeted for cultural reasons as well.

"Gay men and lesbians in Iraq face a lot of risks right now, because homosexuality is sometimes interpreted by people in Iraq as being a Western import," said Scott Portman with the Heartland Alliance, a group that promotes human rights worldwide. "So they can sometimes be targeted by insurgent groups or militias, in part, because of animosity toward the West and, in part, because homosexuality is not well-accepted in Iraqi society."

He added, "The biggest threats right now are from militia organizations, who will attack and actually sometimes kill gay men and women."

Kamal and Rami say the dangers are all too real in Baghdad -- and they live in secrecy not to shame their families.

"I would rather commit suicide than allow my family to find out I am gay," Rami said.

Kamal said he often pretends to have girlfriends in social settings and tells his friends he's dating girls. "I am also careful with the way I dress -- not to show them that I am gay, especially my family."

What would his family do if they found out?

"They will force me to give it up, and I cannot do that," he said. "The 'normal' people cannot live in Iraq. Imagine how the life is for gays."

Rami added, "I do not know why people hate gays even though so many have this tendency. But still they hate it."

Homosexuality is a touchy subject for many Iraqis. When CNN asked Iraqis in Baghdad how they felt about homosexuals, we found intolerance to be widespread.

One man said he considers gays no different from "criminals and terrorists." Another claimed homosexuality was "illegal under Islamic law, and they [gays] should be punished by law like criminals."

Rami said he once fell in love with a man who was part of the Mehdi Army, a Shiite insurgent group loyal to the radical anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.

Their relationship eventually soured.

"One day he told me he would come over to my house and kill me in front of my family," Rami said. "I told him I would come outside and be killed in the street because I do not want my family to find out I am gay."

Both men hope to escape Iraq. They say their ideal destination would be San Francisco, California. For now, both of them keep their feelings secret.

Kamal is still tormented by what happened to him nearly three years ago.

"During my sleep, I only see nightmares and I start crying. My family thought it was because they were beating me."

He paused, "Only my close friend Rami knows about this secret."

Nothing new here. Muslims who hate gays are themselves as queer as the day is long. Muslim logic says to have queer sex to teach these guys having queer sex a lesson. This is uneducated muslim logic at it's best. They're taking this "eye for an eye" thing a little too far if you ask me.

Source: http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/meast/07/24/gay.iraqis/index.html?iref=mpstoryview

22 July 2008

Incompetent Muslim Intelligence

'Allah meat' astounds Nigerians

The gristle spells out the word "Allah" in Arabic

Diners have been flocking to a restaurant in northern Nigeria to see pieces of meat which the owner says are inscribed with the name of Allah.

What looks like the Arabic word for God and the name of the prophet Muhammad were discovered in pieces of beef by a diner in Birnin Kebbi.

He was about to eat it, when he suddenly noticed the words in the gristle, the restaurant owner said.

A search of the kitchen's meat revealed three more pieces which bore the names.

The meat was boiled and then fried before being served, owner Kabiru Haliru told newspaper Weekly Trust.

"When the writings were discovered there were some Islamic scholars who come and eat here and they all commented that it was a sign to show that Islam is the only true religion for mankind," he said.

The restaurant has kept the pieces of meat for visitors to see.

Thousands of people have already gone to the restaurant to see them since they were discovered last week.

A vet told the newspaper the words "defied scientific explanation".

"Supposing only one piece of meat was found then it would be suspicious, but given the circumstances there is no explanation," Dr Yakubu Dominic said.

Based on the fact that Nigerians are easily astounded by things that the western world takes for granted, such as running water and personal hygiene, I don't think much of this episode. Perhaps allah is nothing more than a piece of beef, meant to be eaten and shat out like a piece of pork.

15 July 2008

Incompetent Muslim Humanity

AP Stringer Stands by as Taliban Murder 2 Women, Gets Snuff Footage

Two unidentified Afghan Women chat with each other a few minutes before they were executed by Taliban in Ghazni province, Afghanistan, on late Saturday, July 12, 2008.
(AP Photo/Rahmatullah Naikzad)

Local people watch two Afghan women shot and killed by Taliban in Ghazni province, Afghanistan, on Sunday, July 13, 2008.
(AP Photo/Rahmatullah Naikzad)
(original here)

AP photographer Rahmatullah Naikzad was a witness to a Taliban murder. The two women were alleged to have been prostitutes who served Western clientèle.

This page from the AP seems to suggest that Rahmatullah Naikzad also took a snuff video of the two women being murdered. [UPDATE: Yes, he did. Video added at end of post]

We would remind the AP that the act of the Taliban inviting a reporter to the murder means they wanted this news out there. The AP was clearly being used as a propaganda outlet for the Taliban.

Does this make him an accomplice or only a witness to the crime? When you know a crime is about to be committed, do you not have a moral and ethical obligation to try to prevent that crime? Even if you're a journalist? Even if all you do is try to call the authorities, in this case someone in the Afghani government or NATO?

A quick Yahoo News photo search of Rahmatullah Naikzad seems to indicate that he's very friendly with the Taliban. Many of the pictures show Taliban fighters posing for the AP photographer.

Rahmatullah Naikzad was with the Taliban for at least 24 hours!

What, if anything, did Rahmatullah Naikzad do to either prevent the murder of two women? Or what is he doing now to help find those who murdered them? If the answer is anything other than nothing I would be more than a little surprised.

Once again the AP is aiding and abetting the enemy. This time with a group listed as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the U.S. and which several U.N. Security Council Resolutions forbid giving any assistance to.

Will the AP be given a Pulitzer this time?


Apparently, according to Sharia Law, prostitution is perfectly acceptable as long as a sham marriage is arranged for the duration of the act (5 seconds for most muslim men) and then dissolved after they blow their diseased load. It's also perfectly acceptable to fuck young boys if you're a muslim man - see story below). What is not ok is for muslim women to prostitute themselves to western men. The penalty for that is a bullet to the head from an AK-47. Isn't this racism? Why are we allowing these people to move into western countries and pollute our way of life with this lifestyle. Muslim men regularily harass western women on Australian beaches, but only after they are done leering at them while jerking themselves off . Islam is a pathetic cult, a cult of ignorant, impotent and illiterate morons.

11 July 2008

Incompetent Muslim Penises

Long Life of Indonesia's Penis Growing Grandma Ends

An elderly Indonesian woman famed nationwide for supernatural skills in lengthening penises has died, reports said Thursday.

Reclusive Mak Erot, famed for penis extension treatment incorporating traditional herbs and Islamic prayer, died last week in Caringin village on the western coast of Java island, the Kompas daily's website reported.

Mak Erot -- who reports aged anywhere from 101 to over 130 -- prompted legions of imitations of her famous clinics, many using her famously craggy and birthmarked face to lure in anxious men.

While her legacy has been closely guarded by male descendents intent on maintaining the purity of the treatment, Mak Erot has become a pop-culture icon in everything from advertisements to teenage romantic comedy films.

Reports of he death prompted a flurry of bemused online comments from Internet users in the world's largest Muslim-majority country.

User "Jengkol" wrote on news website Detikcom: "Oh no, I didn't have the chance to go to Mak Erot and now she's dead. I'll just have to buy a vacuum. Maybe that could be the solution to my problem."


Isn't it ironic that a predominantly sexually repressed muslim country would have such a service? If they are so pious, why the need to enlarge your penis when it is recommended that you consummate your marriage on the 9th birthday of your wife.

Incompetent Muslim Hygiene

Yemen: Camel urine trade flourishing

Sanaa, 11 July (AKI) - Camel urine, considered an ancient Islamic 'remedy' from the time of the Prophet Mohammed, has become big business for men and women in Yemen.

The urine has become fashionable recently among Yemen's young people, who claim that it strengthens the scalp, slows hair loss and promotes healthy hair.

According to the Arab TV network al-Arabiya, hair salons throughout the country are requesting this precious 'tonic' and selling it at four dollars a litre - a high price considering the income level of most of the buyers.

"I have been using camel urine since I have been going to elementary school," said Amal, a university student in Sanaa.

"The first time a neighbour told me that she had been using it (urine) for many years, because it made her hair more beautiful and shiny. Now everyone in my home uses it."

The use of the urine is not just limited to women. Men have reportedly also been using it to prevent or stop hair loss.

"Many young men use the camel's urine. I am forced to buy large quantities for my business," said Hasan, a barber.

A boom in the sale of camel urine has prompted people to begin breeding more camels, and they are constantly being given liquids in order to collect more urine.

Nomadic camel breeders have benefited the most from the sale of urine. The breeders are usually in the most remote areas of the country such as Hudeida and Mukallah provinces.

Some people also claim that camel urine is good for the liver, a claim discredited by the University of Sanaa that said it was harmful for the digestive system.

The use of camel urine could have its roots in Islamic religion. In the Prophet Mohammed's "sunna" (or tradition), it talks about the benefits of camel milk and urine.

In a "hadith" (or narrative), foreigners are said to have gone to the holy city of Medina with high fever and the Prophet Mohammed ordered them to leave the city and drink urine and milk from a camel to help them recover.


Ever wonder why NYC cabbies smell so bad? Well, wonder no more.

More Incompetent Muslim Photoshop Fuckups

Presumably taken recently, published by the IRIB.

Published two years ago. Compare the clouds, the layout and the trail at the bottom right.

Maybe all the worries about the new missile drill by the Islamic Republic are just overreaction. What would you think when you realize that neither Fars News, nor Mehr News or ISNA published any picture of the event. Add to that the fact that one of the pictures the state-run IRIB published actually looks too much like a picture taken at a drill which happened two years ago.

These are just more examples of how the Iranian government lies to mask its incompetence and attempts to provoke the civilized world into conflict. If Iran had any capability on its own I might be concerned but all of their technology is old, antiquated crap purchased at the garage sales of the western world.

10 July 2008

Imcompetent Muslim Missile Launch

Incompetent Muslims Suck at Photoshop!

If you're going to try to con the western world, at least get someone with a rudimentary skill level to handle your Photoshop work.

This was exposed by our friends at LittleGreenFootballs.com and subsequently picked up by what passes as experienced news organizations later in the day.

As you can see, these inbred, islamic fanatics are not only incompetent at photoshop work, but also launching missiles. I doubt Israel has much to worry about when it comes to Iran. Just for fun, try to find a list of inventions that are attributed to muslims.

There aren't many.

09 July 2008

Incompetent Muslim Sexuality

In a world where political correctness dictates cultural equivalency, it's impossible for me to understand how the PC crowd can ignore reports like this one.

Afghanistan must do more to end an age-old practice of young boys being kept as sex slaves by wealthy and powerful patrons, the U.N. special representative for children and armed conflict said on Monday.

Radhika Coomaraswamy said the practice, called "bacha bazi" -- literally "boy play" -- was a taboo subject, but she had heard reports of warlords and military commanders keeping young boys and "exploiting them in terrible ways."

"What I found was nobody talks about it; everyone says 'Well, you know, it's been there for 1,000 years so why do we want to raise this now?'" she told a news conference at U.N. headquarters, reporting on a visit to Afghanistan last week.

"That seems to be the general attitude among everyone, but somebody has to raise it and it has to be dealt with."

Known as "bacha bereesh," boys without beards, the victims of such abuse are teenage boys who dress up as girls and dance for male patrons at parties in northern Afghanistan.

This is how it works in Muslim countries. Unmarried members of the opposite sex are not allowed to fraternize with each other because it is forbidden and is punishable by death. What IS tolerated is homosexual pederasty that is not punishable and is considered normal behavior. Think about it - it's normal to rape pre-pubescent boys and girls but it's not normal to have a girlfriend and go shopping with her.

What a religion!

01 July 2008

Muslims Incompetent at Living with the Non-Muslim World

Muslims outraged at police advert featuring cute puppy sitting in policeman's hat

A postcard featuring a cute puppy sitting in a policeman's hat advertising a Scottish police force's new telephone number has sparked outrage from Muslims.

Tayside Police's new non-emergency phone number has prompted complaints from members of the Islamic community.

The choice of image on the Tayside Police cards - a black dog sitting in a police officer's hat - has now been raised with Chief Constable John Vine.

The advert has upset Muslims because dogs are considered ritually unclean and has sparked such anger that some shopkeepers in Dundee have refused to display the advert.

Dundee councillor Mohammed Asif said: 'My concern was that it's not welcomed by all communities, with the dog on the cards.

'It was probably a waste of resources going to these communities.

'They (the police) should have understood. Since then, the police have explained that it was an oversight on their part, and that if they'd seen it was going to cause upset they wouldn't have done it.'

Councillor Asif, who is a member of the Tayside Joint Police Board, said that the force had a diversity adviser and was generally very aware of such issues.

He raised the matter with Mr Vine at a meeting of the board.

The chief constable said he was unaware of the concerns and that the force had not sought to cause any upset but added he would look into the matter.

Councillor Asif said: 'People who have shops just won't put up the postcard. But the police have said to me that it was simply an oversight and they did not seek to offend or upset.'

Cards featuring police dog-in-training Rebel have been distributed to communities throughout the area to advertise the single number point of contact for non-emergency calls to the police.

Rebel has proved a popular recruit for Tayside Police after coming through the very first Lothian and Borders Police dog-breeding programme in February.

One of seven German Shepherd pups born in early December, he has now completed his course of inoculations, and is free to venture out onto the streets of Tayside.

A spokesman for Tayside Police said: 'Trainee police dog Rebel has proved extremely popular with children and adults since being introduced to the public, aged six weeks old, as Tayside Police's newest canine recruit.

'His incredible world-wide popularity - he has attracted record visitor numbers to our website - led us to believe Rebel could play a starring role in the promotion of our non-emergency number.

'We did not seek advice from the force's diversity adviser prior to publishing and distributing the postcards. That was an oversight and we apologise for any offence caused.'

Incompetent Muslim Sense of Humor

Muslims Outraged Over Blasphemous Garfield Cartoon

MUNCIE, DENMARK- Cartoons have the power to make us laugh. Some cartoons can even make us think. Then there those which transcend the printed page itself and enter the realm of fatwas, flaming effigies, and death threats. For years, fans have enjoyed the zany antics of the lovable xenophobic cat known as Garfield. The popular cartoon character is rooted in a love of napping, a passion for lasagna and, as readers of Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten learned earlier this month, an abiding hatred of Islam.

In response, conscientious Muslims all over the world are vigorously protesting the newspaper for carrying the cartoons they say defame their religion and blaspheme against Allah. In the interests of easing tensions, the besieged newspaper tried to apologize for the strips, but due to some confusion over which ones were most offensive, editors republished them on Tuesday under the 100 point headline "ARE THESE THE CARTOONS YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT?"

Unfortunately, this gesture of goodwill did not satisfy the outraged Muslim community. In fact, they seem even madder than ever.

In their angry letters to the media, Islamic groups claim the cartoons portray the prophet Muhammad as a terrorist, but cartoonist Bjorn Davis says nothing could be more ridiculous. In his estimation, the offended parties are reading too much into the simple four-panel strip. The cat dressed in a turban & false beard is merely doing a comical impression of Muhammad, he explained, and is not intended to be a representation of the revered prophet himself. Those who follow the strip regularly picked up on that subtle but important distinction right away.

"It seems to me that these folks are way too easily offended," said Davis. "All we did was have a cat depict their faith's founding prophet sodomizing a goat while instructing his followers on the finer points of pipebomb construction. Where's the harm in that?"

He went on to challenge the angry Muslims to prove that Muhammad did not blow things up and commit unnatural acts with domesticated livestock during his lifetime. That's probably a safe bet since, having died more than a millennium ago, records of Muhammad's personal habits are somewhat hard to come by.

Throughout the twelve part series, Garfield, aka the "voice of Allah," plays whimsical japes on his pals such as stoning Jon to death for refusing to grow a beard and placing C-4 in Odie's food bowl. But more than just a fun romp through the foundations of another culture's faith, Davis says the Muhammad cartoons were intended to convey a vital lesson about diversity and the global village.

"Oh, Garfield," sighs Jon as the electrodes are attached to his genitals in one strip, "when will you learn the value of religious tolerance?"

Meanwhile, anger over the cartoons [and subsequent reprinting of said cartoons] has reached a fever pitch. Just yesterday an unidentified man became so upset over the unfair stereotypes in the strip that he attempted to blow up the newspaper's offices. In a note attached to the improvised explosive device, he explained the reasoning behind his desperate act: "This will teach you people to to automatically assume that Muslims are terrorists- oh, wait."

During a press conference on Wednesday, Arab League Secretary-General Amr Moussa offered another side to the Islamic community. He told reporters that Muslims can, indeed, take a joke. The problem in this instance is that, like virtually all comics in print today, the Garfield Muhammad series just wasn't funny.

"I'm partial to PBF myself," said Moussa. "Did you see the one with the hammer and the board with the screw in it? After someone explained it to me, I laughed a good long while."

He explained that incidents like this perpetuate the inaccurate perception in the Western world that Muslims have no sense of humor. Sadly, the stereotype is now more difficult to eradicate with this new dis from Northern Europe, long known as the comedy capital of the Western world for having inspired Hamlet and the screwball comedies of Ingmar Bergman.

"In fact, I think I speak for all Muslims when I promise not to blow anything up as long you promise not to make us watch that horrible Albert Brooks movie again. I'm not even kidding. It's that bad."

Muslims will get bent over benign reasons yet have no problem with pederasty, slavery, murder, terrorism and other despicable acts. Go to yahoo.com and search on "Muslims outraged" and have a good laugh. These are the most easily offended people on the face of the planet. The only way they can fight another man is to do it through a suicide or other cowardardly attack. What a pathetic group of people.