05 June 2008

Iran threatens to sue Western nations for Damaging it's Reputation!

Thu Jun 5, 6:26 AM ET

VIENNA, Austria - Iran is threatening to sue countries that it says have damaged its reputation and pushed to have U.N. Security Council involvement in its nuclear program.

It is also accusing the United States of pressuring the International Atomic Energy Agency to base its latest probe of Iran's nuclear program on fake evidence suggesting Tehran has tried to make nuclear arms.

The comments were made Thursday to the 35-nation board of the IAEA by Ali Ashgar Soltanieh, Iran's chief delegate to the agency.

As if threatening to blow Israel off the map, funding Hezbollah related terrorist activities, executing homos and driving your economy into the shitter won't damage your reputation! This has to be the funniest thing I have ever heard. Makes me want to sue Ahamadinejad (or however you spell that little Hitlers name) for gross stupidity and having the worlds most pathetic beard! He's the Joe Dirt of the middle east!

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