30 June 2008

Most Imams in Germany are Uneducated Illiterates

Muslim immigrants looking for advice on integrating into mainstream society in Germany, won't find much help in their mosques. According to a new study, the majority of imams in Germany are ill-prepared for their own stay in Germany and most lack any academic training.

A study on Islamic preachers in Germany has found that most imams are unable to help Muslim immigrants integrate into mainstream German society because they are insufficiently prepared for their stay in Germany.

According to the study "Imams in Germany," up to 20 percent of preachers belong to the more conservative, fundamentalist strand of Islam. The study also discovered that only one fifth of imam's possess academic qualifications.

The research is the work of a Duisburg social scientist, Rauf Ceylan, the son of Turkish immigrants. To conduct the study he attended religious services in mosques and carried out interviews with Muslim preachers.

According to Ceylan, the religious groups running mosques in Germany were mainly interested in their preachers correctly reciting the Koran. "An examination of the content of the holy book," he said was "not the primary goal."

Ceylan also found that many imams were susceptible to "superficial interpretations" of the Koran, because they lacked a proper academic education. It was not uncommon, Ceylan said, for these lay preachers to be drawn from the ranks of extremists.

Among the preachers who do have an academic qualification, the majority are employed in mosques run by a Turkish umbrella organization, DITIB. According to the study, these elite preachers are the only imams who are in a position to help members of their congregations to integrate.

However, these imams only come to Germany for four years. In the abscence of any exchange of knowledge between those preachers who have considerable experience of Germany and the newcomers, new imams have to start from scratch, the study concluded.

Source: http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/0,1518,562950,00.html

This isn't surprising as the majority of arab muslims are illiterate and have no formal education outside of memorizing verses out of the koran. The world had better wake up before it's too late because these pathetic morons are going to kill every infidel before they rest.

Incompetent Muslims Celebrate - Two Killed, Six Wounded

Thousands Cheer as Pakistani Militants Decapitate, Shoot Afghans Accused of Spying for U.S.

Friday, June 27, 2008

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A gang of Pakistani militants executed two alleged U.S. spies in front of thousands of cheering supporters Friday as a top U.N. official expressed fears that Pakistani government peace deals with the gunmen were sparking a wave of human rights abuses.

At least 5,000 people gathered by a stream in the Bajur region to watch the executions, which highlighted the power of local Taliban forces in the lawless tribal areas near the Afghan border.

Masked militants pulled the two blindfolded Afghans from a car and forced them to kneel on the ground.

Waliur Rehman, a local Taliban commander, told the crowd that the two men confessed to aiding in a suspected U.S. missile strike on a house in the border town of Damadola that killed 14 people last month. The men disclosed the names of others involved, and they would be killed as well, he said.

"Whoever, for the sake of money, for the sake of America, harms the interest of the Islamic world will meet the same fate," he said.

Gunmen with daggers then pounced on one of the men — identified as Jan Wali, 36 — decapitated him and waved his bloody head to the cheering crowd.

The militants then argued over how to kill the other man because he may have been a teenager, before one lost patience and shot him with an assault rifle.

The crowd erupted in cheers of "God is great!" and gunmen fired in the air in jubilation. The celebratory gunfire killed two bystanders and wounded six, local official Fazal Rabbi said.

The recently elected Pakistani government has supported negotiations that would give local tribes and militants broad authority over some tribal areas. The U.S. says those deals will only give Taliban and Al Qaeda forces in the border region more freedom to attack Afghanistan.

A deal has not yet been reached over Bajur, but the militants are clearly able to operate freely in the area.

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Louise Arbour said Friday she was concerned that the peace deals undermined state authority and left residents vulnerable to a range of human rights abuses, including extrajudicial killings.

"The government has the responsibility to ensure the protection of civilians," she told reporters in Islamabad.

Minorities and women were particularly in danger, she said.

Hours before Arbour spoke, suspected Taliban militants torched two girls schools in the Swat region, the latest in a string of attacks on the female education system in the area, police said.

The attack on the schools cast doubt on efforts to shore up the collapsing peace deal in Swat. Local government officials said talks Thursday with representatives of a pro-Taliban cleric were a success, however both sides acknowledged serious disagreements remained.

Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani met with Arbour earlier Friday to discuss the human rights situation in the country.

A statement released by his office did not directly address her concerns about abuses in the tribal areas. However, he told her the U.S.-led war on terror had badly damaged Pakistan's economy and the country needed to take action, the statement said.

The government was talking with "the moderate elements who have laid down arms" and would resort to military force if the agreements were violated, he told her according to the statement.

He also assured Arbour he was committed to women's rights and to ensuring that girls have access to education, the statement said.

Arbour also expressed concerns about the human rights violations in the government's counterterrorism operations, including the disappearances of hundreds of people.

She also called on the ruling coalition to resolve its dispute over reinstating dozens of senior judges fired by President Pervez Musharraf last year, saying the crisis was paralyzing the government.

This is the mindset of your garden variety incompetent muslim. I can't think of one good reason the entire middle east shouldn't be turned into a green glass sea. They are animals with guns - this is what it would be like in the west if raccoons knew how to shoot guns. Oh yeah, that is actually happening in Detroit.

Check out www.detroitiscrap.com for all of the sordid coons with guns reports.

19 June 2008

Incompetent Muslim Homosexual Tries to Rape Infidel

Mr Orsi says he has been too ill to go to work since the alleged assault

A Swiss court is preparing to hear a case against a brother of the UAE president who is accused of assaulting an American citizen in a Geneva hotel.

Silvano Orsi alleges Sheikh Falah al-Nahyan made homosexual advances to him in the bar of the hotel and severely beat him when rejected.

The allegations date back to 2003. Mr Orsi said it has been a "five-year ordeal" to get the case to court.

The sheikh denies assault and has said he is sure "justice would be done".

Mr Orsi, 39, says he was drinking at Geneva's La Reserve hotel with a Saudi friend when the sheikh ordered a bottle of champagne to be sent over to their table.

A few minutes later, Mr Orsi claims the sheikh came over and began molesting him, and when the advances were rejected the sheikh attacked him and whipped him with his belt.

Mr Orsi says he sustained a herniated disc, nerve damage and post-traumatic stress disorder from the assault.

In a pre-trial hearing in 2007, Mr Nahyan, 37, said there had been a short scuffle in the hotel bar after he was accused of being gay.

The three-judge tribunal will begin hearing the case on Thursday and it can impose a sentence of up to two years in prison if the defendant is found guilty.

Mr Nahyan is the son of the late Sheikh Zayed, who died in 2004 and was succeed by Mr Nahyan's older brother, Sheikh Khalifa.

Mr Orsi has said he wants to bring a civil case against Mr Nahyan in addition to the criminal case, because he says to have been too ill to work since the alleged assault.

UAE sheikh to face assault trial

Incompetent muslim can't get hired so she sues to make a living.

Muslim job applicant: Hire me or else –

From the Daily Mail
How I nearly lost my business after refusing to hire a Muslim hair stylist who wouldn’t show her hair
By Natasha Courtenay-Smith
18 June 2008

It seems too lunatic to be true. But here a hair salon boss reveals how she was driven to the brink of ruin - and forced to pay £4,000 for ‘hurt feelings’ - after refusing to hire a Muslim stylist who wouldn’t show her hair at work.

For Sarah Desrosiers, meeting Bushra Noah was not a moment in her life that she would describe as especially memorable.

Not only was it brief - lasting little more than ten minutes - but it was rapidly obvious to Sarah that Bushra was not the person for the junior stylist position she was trying to fill at her hairdressing salon.

Sarah’s reasoning? Quite simply that Bushra, a Muslim who wears a headscarf for religions reasons, had made it clear she would not be removing the garment even while at work.

Sarah Desrosiers says she did nothing wrong by not employing Bushra Noah and would have done the same if an employee refused to remove a baseball cap

Sarah felt that a job requirement of any hairdresser was that the stylist’s hair would provide clients with a showcase of different looks. Especially one working in a salon such as hers, which specialises in alternative cuts and colours.

Yet the ten minutes during which Sarah’s world collided with Bushra’s has resulted in an extraordinary employment battle, in which she was accused of ‘direct’ and ‘indirect’ discrimination.

For a year, Sarah has been facing financial ruin, due to a compensation claim for £34,000 brought by Bushra, 19, who has maintained she is due that figure after being turned down for a job at the Wedge salon in London’s King’s Cross.

In the event, the tribunal ruled this week that while Bushra’s claim of direct discrimination failed, her claim for indirect discrimination had succeeded.

Sarah has therefore been ordered to pay £4,000 compensation by way of ‘injury to feelings’.

Although this is a smaller sum than she’d feared she might have to hand over, Sarah, 32, is still outraged.

‘I am a small business and the bottom line is that this is not a woman who worked for me,’ says Sarah.

‘She is simply someone I met for a job interview, who, for a host of reasons, was not right for the job. I cannot see how she deserves £4,000.

‘As for the notion that I’ve injured her feelings - well, people’s feelings get injured every day. I dread to think the sorts of things that people will try to claim injured feelings for now that this precedent has been set.’

In its ruling, the tribunal said it was ’satisfied that Bushra was not treated less favourably than Sarah would have treated any woman who, whether Muslim or not, wears a hair covering at all times when at work’.

Accordingly, the claim of direct discrimination failed.

But with regard to the issue of indirect discrimination, they found that Sarah had pursued a ‘legitimate aim - that aim being to promote the image of the business’.

However, the burden of proof was on Sarah to prove that her means of achieving that legitimate aim was proportionate.

She was not able to prove her contention that employing someone with a headscarf would have the negative impact on her business’s stylistic integrity that she feared.

Since the judgment, Bushra, who is of Syrian descent and has worn a headscarf since she was 13, has, so far at least, chosen not to comment.

But, speaking last year, she admitted she had attended 25 interviews for hairdressing jobs without success.

But Sarah, she told the tribunal, had upset her the most.

She said: ‘I felt so down and got so depressed. I thought: “If I am not going to defend myself, who is?” Hairdressing has been what I’ve wanted to do ever since I was at high school.

Bushra Noah (left) and Sarah Derosiers (right) arriving at court during the employment tribunal battle

‘This has ruined my ambitions. Wearing a headscarf is essential to my beliefs.’

Bushra had a job in a salon in London, where her tasks included cutting hair, highlighting, tinting and perming, before she left to get married in Syria in 2006.

But on her return to Britain, she was unable to find work.

She has given up her ambitions to become a hairdresser and is studying travel and tourism at Hammersmith and West London College while working part-time in a shop.

At the tribunal, Bushra was asked if Sarah had made derogatory remarks about her headscarf.

She replied: ‘She did not. She just asked me if I wore it all the time, or whether I’d take it off.’

Although Bushra is believed to have been acting alone, in the past similar cases have been championed by Muslim traditionalist groups.

In 2006, the Law Lords overturned a court ruling that teenager Shabina Begum’s human rights were violated when she was banned from wearing full Islamic dress at school.

Enlarge Sarah in her salon - Wedge - located in north London says that the discrimination case against her almost ruined her business

The extremist Muslim group Hizb ut-Tahrir later admitted that it had ‘advised her’.

Meanwhile, Sarah Desrosiers is wondering how to raise the £4,000 she has been ordered to pay Bushra. She has spent her savings on her legal battle and simply has no money left.

‘I am a one-woman band, and am already in debt due to the set-up costs of opening my own salon,’ says Sarah. ‘I dread to think how many haircuts I’m going to have to do to earn the £4,000 I have to pay Bushra. This has, without doubt, been the worst year of my life.’

Such a messy set of circumstances, let alone the strain of having the case brought against her, was certainly not what Sarah expected when she started out on her career aged 17.

From the outset, she had grand ambitions, telling her mother that she would one day have her own salon.

‘Even back then, I realised how important your own hair is to the job,’ says Sarah. ‘I went into hairdressing a rather plain brunette, but within a few weeks I had a bright red crop.

‘I wanted to provide clients with inspiration through my own hair. Whether they’re in a conventional High Street salon, or something slightly different like my salon, customers expect to see the stylists with hair that is on trend, striking and can give them ideas for their own look.’

Read the whole story here:

Fuck this annoying muslim bitch and send her back to Syria where she can wear her headscarf all she wants. Personally, I think she ought to switch to a full burkha because she is one of the ugliest bush pigs that I have seen.

My religion requires me to wear a shirt that has a cartoon of Muhammad buggering a camel, two young boys and a small girl in order to spread the word that Islam is the religion of the pederast and deviant.

11 June 2008

Muslim Parents are Incompetent

Muslim parents to blame for children turning to extremism

British Muslim parents are to blame for leaving their children open to the lure of Islamic extremism, according to an influential academic

Dr Farhan Nizami CBE, a key adviser on Islam to the Prince of Wales, accused British Muslims of failing to make sure their children learn to speak English or supporting them in their education.

He said this leaves them alienated from mainstream society and exposed to being groomed by radical Islamic groups.

It is the first time Dr Nizami, the director of the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies, which has links with Oxford University, has spoken out about the failure of Muslims to integrate with British society.

The academic institution, whose patron is the Prince of Wales, carries considerable influence and aims to build bridges between Islam and the West.

His comments come just weeks after the Bishop of Rochester, the Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, warned that radical Islam is filling the "moral vacuum" created by the decline of Christian values in Britain.

Speaking to The Daily Telegraph, Dr Nizami said Muslims would never play a full role in British society until they improved their education, language and aspirations.

He warned that those who feel marginalised are most easily influenced by the rhetoric of extremism, and called on Muslim parents to do more to avert the danger of their children becoming fanatics.

"Muslim families have to realise the importance of education for their children and make an effort to push them into achieving more," Dr Nizami said.

"They need to make them aspire to things higher rather than just being self-employed and looking for small-jobs."

Despite the fears over the threat posed by foreign imams such as Abu Hamza and Omar Bakri, Dr Nizami claimed homegrown Muslims can be even more dangerous.

The four suicide bombers who murdered 52 people in London on July 7, 2005, were all born in Britain while the four Islamic terrorists jailed for plotting to blow up Bluewater and the Ministry of Sound with half a ton of fertiliser were all raised and schooled here.

Dr Nizami said: "The assumption that foreign imams equal something undesirable is not always true. In fact some of the more radical elements of British society are British-born. This is not an issue that needs to be seen in terms of religion, but in issues of alienation and deprivation."

He said education was key to preventing a new generation of Muslim extremists growing up in Britain.

"Immigrant communities have to do more to get integrated, particularly on issues of language and education," he said.

Dr Nizami, who is a British delegate at a conference on bridging the gap between Islam and the West, expressed concern at the poor academic achievements of Muslims in Britain, particularly those from Pakistan and Bangladesh.

"This is partly because of issues about their access to good state schools, but this is also because they receive poor family support," he said.

But on Tuesday some Muslim groups said it was unfair to point the finger of blame at parents, and that the Government should commit more funding to language lessons for immigrants while mosque leaders must ensure sermons are delivered in English.

Inayat Bunglawala, spokesman for the Muslim Council of Britain, said: "There is really no question regarding the central importance of parents taking an active interest in the better education of their children. But we need to be cautious of putting too much blame on parents for the actions of their children.

"As we have seen in the cases of the 7/7 bombers and terrorists who have been convicted since then, many of them were extremely adept at deceiving their closest family relatives about their intentions."

A spokesman for the Ramadhan Foundation, British's leading Muslim youth organisation, said: "There are systematic mistakes, with the Government cutting funding for people who want to learn English. The imams have also got to look at sermons being delivered in English."

The conference at which Dr Nizami spoke, held in Kuala Lumpur this week, heard that the divide between the Muslim world and the West continues to undermine constructive political, economic, social and religious engagement.

One of the world's leading Muslims told delegates that the former British prime minister, Tony Blair, is viewed with suspicion by the Arab world in his new role as a Middle East envoy.

Imam Feisal, leader of New York's Masjid al-Farah mosque said: "The perception exists that his being at the forefront of taking Britain into war has reduced his credibility in being able to be seen as an honest broker."

Meanwhile the Vatican warned on Tuesday that the West is in danger of becoming "obsessed" with Muslims.

Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran, the Roman Catholic Church's leading expert on inter-faith dialogue, said discussions between different religious groups must not be "held hostage" by Islam.

His comments came just a day after a report commissioned by the Church of England found that the Government was "focusing intently" on Islam at the expense of Christianity, to which it only paid "lip service".


Well, no shit!

Abu Hafss is not happy

GAZA (Reuters) - Abu Hafss is not happy.

A year after Hamas Islamists seized control of the Gaza Strip, Abu Hafss is waiting impatiently to see a sword remove the hand of a thief or a woman stoned to death for adultery.

“Hamas does not implement the rule of God,” the Palestinian ally of al Qaeda said. “We have seen no one have his hand cut off for stealing. We have seen no one stoned as an adulterer.”

Yet for all Abu Hafss’ disappointment with the approach Hamas has adopted since it routed secular rivals in Gaza a year ago, some analysts believe smaller, more radical groups like Abu Hafss’ secretive Jaysh al-Ummah (Army of the Nation) have benefited from the Hamas takeover to expand their membership.

Despite an official Hamas policy of respecting the rights of Gaza’s small Christian minority, there has been an increase in attacks on Christians in the past year, apparently by Islamists not content with the extent of Hamas’s “Islamisation” of Gaza.

Life must really suck when you are a muslim and your hardline islamic rulers just aren't ruthless enough. It's enough to destroy a garden variety muslim's sensibilities! Hamas better start torturing and chopping off extremeties if they want to keep the rest of the Gazan members of the Religion of Peace happy.

05 June 2008

Iran threatens to sue Western nations for Damaging it's Reputation!

Thu Jun 5, 6:26 AM ET

VIENNA, Austria - Iran is threatening to sue countries that it says have damaged its reputation and pushed to have U.N. Security Council involvement in its nuclear program.

It is also accusing the United States of pressuring the International Atomic Energy Agency to base its latest probe of Iran's nuclear program on fake evidence suggesting Tehran has tried to make nuclear arms.

The comments were made Thursday to the 35-nation board of the IAEA by Ali Ashgar Soltanieh, Iran's chief delegate to the agency.

As if threatening to blow Israel off the map, funding Hezbollah related terrorist activities, executing homos and driving your economy into the shitter won't damage your reputation! This has to be the funniest thing I have ever heard. Makes me want to sue Ahamadinejad (or however you spell that little Hitlers name) for gross stupidity and having the worlds most pathetic beard! He's the Joe Dirt of the middle east!

02 June 2008

Islam losing Followers to Other Faiths

Iran Cracking down on growing number of converts to Christianity

LONDON - Christian activists said Iranian police have launched a crackdown on muslims believed to have converted to Christianity over the last year.

"We've got confirmed reports of groups of muslim convert believers doubling in size in the last six months, " Carl Moeller, President of Open Doors USA, said.

Paul Marshall, a senior fellow at the Center for Religious Freedom at the Hudson Institute, agreed. Marshall said Iran has been experiencing a youth backlash against Islam.

"There are indications that with the deep unpopularity of the regime that people are turning away from Islam," Marshall said in an interview with the U.S. television network Fox.

The activists said the crackdown was launched in May in the southern city of Shiraz.

On May 11, Moeller said, at least eight people were arrested in Shiraz on charges of abandoning the Islamic faith. Such a crime was punishable by up to life in prison.

One suspected organizer of Christian activity in Shiraz was identified as Mojtaba Hussein. The 21-year-old Hussein, believed to have organized house churches, remained in prison after his colleagues were released.

"He [Hussein] may not be willing to give up the names of other Muslim converts," Moeller said. "He may not be willing to recant his faith himself."

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has proposed a law that would impose capital punishment on any Muslim who leaves his faith. Christian activists said many young Muslims, dismayed by the abuses of the Islamic regime, have been interested in Christianity and other religions.

"Seeing Muslims converting to Christianity is directly threatening to an Islamic regime," Moeller said.

Losing large members of the "religion of peace" to Christianity and Judaism doesn't look good to the psychotic rulers of this violent cult. This is equivalent to Mohammed getting caught having sex with a child. Oh wait, he did and they worship that kind of behavior.

What a religion!