21 August 2008

Incompetent Muslim Politics

The Islamist ruling coalition that drove Pervez Musharraf out of power is now collapsing.

The ruling coalition, made up of traditional rivals who were united primarily in their determination to force Musharraf from office, meanwhile appeared to be veering toward collapse. The two main parties have been unable to bridge key differences such as whether judges fired by Musharraf should be quickly reinstated and who should succeed him as president.

Pakistanis have urged the civilian government to stop bickering and turn quickly to tackling the country’s problems from an economic downturn to extremist violence in the volatile northwest, where fighting between security forces and Islamic militants has escalated in recent weeks.

How long will it be before they start killing each other instead of trying to be productive and start running Pakistan like human beings? I give it a few hours.

19 August 2008

Incompetent Muslim Athletes

Muslim sprinter wins Olympic sprint dressed head to toe in hijab

By Niall Firth
Last updated at 4:12 PM on 19th August 2008

Sprinters have long been squeezing their muscular frames into the most eye-wateringly skimpy, tight and revealing costumes imaginable.

But one female athlete at this year’s Olympics is bucking the trend for bulging lycra and naked torsos.

In 2004, Bahrain's Ruqaya Al Ghasara, a devout Muslim, was the first athlete to ever take part in an Olympics wearing a hijab.

Enlarge  Roqaya Al-Gassra

Bahrain's Roqaya Al-Gassra powers to victory in her 200m sprint heat today

Today, Al Ghasara won her heat of the women’s 200m sprint at the Bird's Nest stadium - despite being clothed head to foot.

Al Ghasara finished first followed by France's Muriel Hurtis-Houairi and Sri Lanka's Susanthika Jayasinghe.

Admittedly, Al Ghasara 's hijab is a rather sportier version of the traditional dress.

Clinging to her body as she powers down the track the hijab completely covers her head, arms and legs.

Known as a Hijood - or hijab combined with a sports hood - the costume was specially designed for Al Ghasara by an Australian sports clothing company.

It allows Muslim athletes to compete while still adhering to the strict modesty required of their faith.


Al-Gassra prays as she celebrates winning her 200m heat

Al Ghasara, who was the Bahrain flag-bearer at last week’s opening ceremony, jas said the Hijood has improved her performance.

'It’s great to finally have a high performance outfit that allows me to combine my need for modesty with a design made from breathable, moisture-controlled fabric,” she said.

'It’s definitely helped me to improve my times being able to wear something so comfortable and I’m sure it will help me to give my best performance at Beijing.

'I hope that my wearing the hijood sports top will inspire other women to see that modesty or religious beliefs don’t have to be a barrier to participating in competitive sports.'

In 2004 Al Ghasara defied objections from fundamentalists in her village to take part in the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens, running in the 100 metres.

And in 2006 she won the women’s 200m final at the 2006 Asian Games in Doha, making her the first Bahraini-born athlete to win a major international athletics gold medal.


After living in some of the queerest cities in the world, San Francisco included, I can spot a man in drag and this is definitely a man. Muslim countries would never allow a woman out of the house, let alone compete in spandex. It's easy for muslim men to pull off crossdressing in spandex and passing as a muslim woman. First of all, their penises are so small that they are easily hidden in their asses. Secondly, the majority of muslim owmen are hairier and more manly than the men so it is an easy ruse. Muslim men work as "female" prostitutes all over the world and lure unsuspecting muslim men into their sick, perverted world.

Incompetent Muslim Pedophiles Number 100,995

Father was 'swapping' her for a 13-year-old bride
Saudi girl drinks bleach to escape marriage
Shura Council member says marriage contract violates Sharia law (File)

DUBAI (AlArabiya.net)

A 16-year-old Saudi girl drank a bottle of bleach in an attempt to commit suicide to escape a forced marriage to a 75-year-old man, press reports revealed Sunday.

The girl identified only as, Shaikha, said her father was forcing her to marry the old man so that he could marry his 13-year-old daughter in an exchange deal, Bahrain's Tribune reported.

Shaikha described how her father took her to meet the old man and his 13-year-old in a marriage office where they all had pre-marital tests done, the Tribune quoted the Saudi Gazette as reporting.

Shaikha told the paper how she begged and pleaded not to be forced into marriage but both of the men ignored her pleas.

The 16-year-old appealed to the National Society of Human Rights to intervene and stop the marriage, the Tribune said, adding Shaikha, whose parents are separated, asked to live with her mother.

Shaikha’s mother said she should be protected from her father and demanded the marriage contract be cancelled because Shaikha was threatened to marry the man, the paper said.

“Judges can punish men who force their daughters to marry like this," Sheikh Abdul Mohsin Al Obeikan, Shura Council member said, adding the marriage contract was void because it violated Shariah law, the Tribune reported.

Islamic law states that for a marriage to be legal both parties must consent. If a marriage is performed without consent or under coercion the union is considered void and must be annulled.


This is why we should welcome these people into the civilized western world! At least NAMBLA would be happy under muslim rule.

13 August 2008

Incompetent Muslim Father

Saudi man kills daughter for converting to Christianity

13 August 2008
Riyadh: A Saudi man working with the Commission for Promotion of Virtue and Prevention of Vice recently killed his daughter for converting to Christianity.

According to sources close to the victim, the religious police member had cut the tongue of the girl and burned her to death following a heated debate on religion.

The death of the girl sent shockwaves and websites where the victim used to write with various nick names have allocated special space to mourn her, while some others closed temporarily in protest.

According to the Saudi Al Ukhdoud news website, the victim wrote an article on the blog of which she was a member under the nickname "Rania" a few days before her murder.

She wrote that her life became an ordeal after her family members grew suspicious about her after a religious discussion with them.

She said that her brother found some Christian articles written by her as well as a cross sign on her computer screen. Since then he started to insult her and blamed the internet for pushing her to change her religion.

The "Free Copts" website published a message which it received from a friend of the victim, revealing that the killer is in police custody and that he is being investigated for an honour related crime.

Saudi religious scholars have frequently warned against the dangers of Christian internet websites and satellite TV channels which attract Muslim youngsters to change their religion.

They decreed that watching these channels or browsing these websites which call for conversion to Christianity by various means is against the teachings of Islam.

By Mariam Al Hakeem

© Gulf News 2008


This guy wins the islamic father of the year award! What a great guy! Islam IS the religion of peace - I have no doubts about this what so ever!

Seriously though, nobody is cutting this guys testicles off for buggering young boys and getting into drunken homosexual orgies with his buddies after friday prayers. He needs to lighten up a bit on his fatherhood duties.

Incompetent Muslim Terrorists No. 18,944

Man Dead, Large Amount Of Possible Cyanide Found

DENVER (CBS4) ― It has the makings of international intrigue. Less than two weeks before the Democratic National Convention a man has been found dead in a Denver hotel room with a container of what authorities initially suspect to be the deadly poison cyanide.

Adding to the intrigue is that the dead man, Saleman Abdirahman Dirie, 29, appears to be from outside the U.S. No passport was found on Dirie, who is believed to have entered the country from Canada.

A large container of a white powdery substance was found in the man's room on the fourth floor of The Burnsley hotel at 10th and Grant.

Tests are now being done by the Denver Police Crime Lab to determine exactly what the substance is. The tests could take days.

It's believed Dirie died from something other than the substance that was in the container.

Denver police are leading the investigation of the man's death. The FBI and other governmental agencies, including the Joint Terrorism Task Force, are assisting in the probe. Hazardous materials assistance has included the Colorado State Patrol and the Colorado National Guard.

"Our Joint Terrorism Task Force is involved in this simply because the victim here is from another country and it just kind of makes sense that our terrorism guys would take a look a look at this," FBI Special Agent in Charge James Davis said.

Davis told CBS 4 that nothing so far has been found to link the case to terrorism or the coming convention.

Authorities said The Burnsley hotel is safe and is open for business.

Cyanide can be made from plants in very small amounts. It can be a gas, liquid or powder. It prevents the body from using oxygen and therefore is more harmful to the heart and brain than other organs.

"It was used in concentration camps in World War II and by Saddam Hussein against the Kurds in the 1990s," CBD4 Medical Editor Dr. Dave Hnida said. "And put it in a little capsule, it is in fact used as a suicide pill just like you see in the movies."

Officials said cyanide can be used as a terrorist weapon if it is dumped in water put in food, sprayed as a gas, or many other methods.

The investigation is continuing.


If "god" is helping the islamic terrorists, then he is as incompetent as they are. Between Richard Reid and the rest of these retards, they are failing at a rate of 99.9% in their terror attacks against the west. Good job guys - that's what you get for engaging in homosexual pederasty, smoking copious amounts of hash and jerking off non-stop to homemade camel sex videos when you should have been paying attention in your asshole 101 class in the desert.

12 August 2008

Imcompetent Muslim Tolerance

Nigeria: Mob Kills 50-Year-Old Man for 'Blasphemy'

Yusha'u A. Ibrahim

A 50-year-old Muslim man, who allegedly made a blasphemous statement against Prophet Muhammad, was beaten to death in Kano on Saturday.

The man was killed at Sheka Aci Lafiya quarters when some angry Muslim youths besieged his house and beat him to a state of coma.

He died shortly after a team of police and Hisbah officials rescued him from the mob, the police said. The man died as he was being rushed to the Murtala Muhammad Specialist Hospital.

Witnesses told Daily Trust that the man, though a Muslim, made a statement residents considered as blasphemous against the Holy Prophet after his relatives denied him his share of the estate left by their deceased father.

He was beaten and left unconscious before the police intervened and dispersed the crowd.

But for the quick intervention of the police and Hisbah officials, a full-scale crisis would have erupted, residents said.

A witness said, "Many youths carrying various types of dangerous weapons have started grouping themselves for further action over the issue before the police and Hisbah men dispersed them."

He said the victim made the alleged blasphemous statement Friday night and repeated same on Saturday morning.

When the news spread to the neighborhood about the man's statement, a group of youths mobilized and attacked him.

A witness, Ali Muhammad, told our correspondent that the man was beaten with sticks and other local weapons and was left "in the pool of his own blood."

When contacted, the Police Public Relations Officer SP Baba Mohammed confirmed the incident. Mohammed said the man was rescued alive but later died while the police were conveying him to the hospital. He said investigation is still onby the police to trace the persons responsible for the attack.

Mohammed said no arrest has been made yet, adding that the police had restored law and order in the area.


To tell you the truth, I'm surprised that they only beat him into a coma. They must have had to get back to smoking hash, playing video games, engaging in homosexual pederasty and videotaping their latest circle jerk.

Incompetent Muslim Sexuality No. 667

Child marriage case postponed
Arab News

ABHA: The Wadi Bin-Hasheel court has postponed the trial of a Saudi father who married his 10-year-old daughter to a man in his 70s, as the bride and bridegroom failed to appear in court, Al-Madinah newspaper reported yesterday. The trial is now set for Sept. 10, as only the girl’s father, her divorced mother and her uncle attended the hearing. The judge ordered the police to bring the girl and her husband to the next session. The newspaper said the girl’s uncle, who filed the case against the father, has refused all offers of mediation to drop the case, and said he would continue until justice was done. The father had earlier married two of his young daughters to elderly men. A judge in the Grand Court of Riyadh divorced the first, who was 12, while the second ran away with her mother to a women’s shelter in Riyadh.


70 year old men fucking ten year old girls - this is shari'a law, coming soon to a town near you!

Incompetent Muslim Sexuality No. 666

UNAIZAH: In order to settle his debts, a Saudi father here married his eight-year-old daughter to a man in his 50s, who already has two wives, a local newspaper reported yesterday.

Details of the case came to light when the mother of the girl took it to the court calling for an abrogation of the marriage contract. The mother, who is estranged from the father, urged all concerned parties and the National Society for Human Rights to support her in canceling the marriage.

“This is an unmatched marriage, which will deprive our daughter of her childhood,” the mother said.

A source at the court said this is not the first case of its kind.

A court in Asir is currently considering a similar case in which a man married his 10-year-old daughter to a man in his 70s for SR170,000.


Child slavery, prostitution and rape - standard operating procedure in the islamic world.

Incompetent Muslim Logic

The following are excerpts from an interview with Dr. Abd Al-Baset Al-Sayyed of the Egyptian National Research Center. Al-Majd TV aired this interview on January 16, 2005

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: The centrality [of Mecca] has been proven scientifically. How? When they traveled to outer space and took pictures of the earth, they saw that it is a dark, hanging sphere. The man said, "Earth is a dark hanging sphere – who hung it?"

Interviewer: Who said that?

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: [Neil] Armstrong. Armstrong was basically trying to say: Allah is the one who hung it. They discovered that Earth emits radiation, and they wrote about this on the web. They left the item there for 21 days, and then they made it disappear.

Interviewer: Why did they make it disappear?

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: There was intent there…

Interviewer: So it may be said that this suppression of information was significant.

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: It was very significant, since…the Ka'ba [in Mecca]… They said it emits radiation. This radiation is short-wave.

When they discovered this radiation, they started to zoom in, and they found that it emanates from Mecca – and, to be precise, from the Ka'ba.

Interviewer: My God!!

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: It was said…

Interviewer: Does this radiation have an effect?

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: They found that this radiation is infinite. When they reached Mars and began to take pictures, they found that the radiation continues beyond. They said that the wavelength known to us… or rather the shortness of the wavelength known to us… This radiation had a special characteristic: It is infinite, and I believe that the reason is that this radiation connects the [earthly] Ka'ba with the celestial Ka'ba.

Imagine that you are the North Pole and I am the South Pole – in the middle there's what is called the magnetic equilibrium zone. If you place a compass there, the needle won't move.

Interviewer: You mean that the pull is equal from both sides?

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: Yes, and that's why it's called zero-magnetism zone, since the magnetic force has no effect there. That's why if someone travels to Mecca or lives there, he lives longer, is healthier, and is less affected by Earth's gravity. That's why when you circle the Ka'ba, you get charged with energy.

Interviewer: Allah be praised.

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: Yes, this is a fact.

This is a scientific fact…

Interviewer: Because you are distant from…

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: Earth's magnetic fields have no effect on you in this case.

There's a study that proves that the black basalt rocks in Mecca are the oldest rocks in the world. This is the truth.

Interviewer: The oldest rocks? Yes. Has this been proved scientifically?

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: It's been scientifically proven, and the study has been published.

Interviewer: They took basalt rocks from Mecca…

Dr. 'Abd Al-Baset Sayyid: …Basalt rocks from Mecca, and investigated the places where they were formed.

In the British Museum there are three pieces of the black stone [from the Ka'ba] …and they said that this rock didn't come from our solar system.

These dumb motherfuckers define ignorance.

08 August 2008

Incompetent Muslim Matrimony

Nigerian advises against 86 wives

By Andrew Walker
BBC News, Bida, Nigeria

Baba Mohammed Bello Abubakar
Mr Bello Abubakar says he does not go and find women, they come to him

Nigerian Mohammed Bello Abubakar, 84, has advised other men not to follow his example and marry 86 women.

The former teacher and Muslim preacher, who lives in Niger State with his wives and at least 170 children, says he is able to cope only with the help of God.

"A man with 10 wives would collapse and die, but my own power is given by Allah. That is why I have been able to control 86 of them," he told the BBC.

He says his wives have sought him out because of his reputation as a healer.

"I don't go looking for them, they come to me. I will consider the fact that God has asked me to do it and I will just marry them."

But such claims have alienated the Islamic authorities in Nigeria, who have branded his family a cult.

Ganiat Bello Abubakar
When you marry a man with 86 wives you know he knows how to look after them
Wife Ganiat Bello Abubakar

Most Muslim scholars agree that a man is allowed to have four wives, as long as he can treat them equally.

But Mr Bello Abubakar says there is no punishment stated in the Koran for having more than four wives.

"To my understanding the Koran does not place a limit and it is up to what your own power, your own endowment and ability allows," he says.

"God did not say what the punishment should be for a man who has more than four wives, but he was specific about the punishment for fornication and adultery."

'Order from God'

As Mr Bello Abubakar emerged from his compound to speak to the BBC, his wives and children broke out into a praise song.

Mohammed Bello Abubakar of Bida and some of his wives
Some of Mr Bello Abubakar's wives are younger than some of his children

Most of his wives are less than a quarter of his age - and many are younger than some of his own children.

The wives the BBC spoke to say they met Mr Bello Abubakar when they went to him to seek help for various illnesses, which they say he cured.

"As soon as I met him the headache was gone," says Sharifat Bello Abubakar, who was 25 at the time and Mr Bello Abubakar 74.

"God told me it was time to be his wife. Praise be to God I am his wife now."

Ganiat Mohammed Bello has been married to the man everyone calls "Baba" for 20 years.

When she was in secondary school her mother took her for a consultation with Mr Bello Abubakar and he proposed afterwards.

"I said I couldn't marry an older man, but he said it was directly an order from God," she says.

She married another man but they divorced and she returned to Mr Bello Abubakar.

"I am now the happiest woman on earth. When you marry a man with 86 wives you know he knows how to look after them," she said.

No work

Mr Bello Abubakar and his wives do not work and he has no visible means of supporting such a large family.

Inside "Baba's" house
Many of the wives live three to a room, some have seven children

He refuses to say how he makes enough money to pay for the huge cost of feeding and clothing so many people.

Every mealtime they cook three 12kg bags of rice which all adds up to $915 (£457) every day.

"It's all from God," he says.

Other residents of Bida, the village where he lives in the northern Nigerian state, say they do not know how he supports the family.

According to one of his wives, Mr Bello Abubakar sometimes asks his children to go and beg for 200 naira ($1.69, £0.87), which if they all did so would bring in about $290 (£149).

Most of his wives live in a squalid, unfinished house in Bida; others live in his house in Lagos, Nigeria's commercial capital.

He refuses to allow any of his family or other devotees to take medicine and says he does not believe that malaria exists.

Hafsat Bello Abubakar
They were sick and we told God and God said their time has come
Wife Hafsat Bello Abubakar

"As you sit here if you have any illness I can see it and just remove it," he says.

But not everyone can be cured and one of his wives, Hafsat Bello Mohammed, says two of her children have died.

"They were sick and we told God and God said their time has come."

She says that most of the wives see Mr Bello Abubakar as next in line from the Prophet Muhammad.

Indeed, he claims the Prophet Muhammad speaks to him personally and gives detailed descriptions of his experiences.

It is a serious claim for a Muslim to make.

"This is heresy, he is a heretic," says Ustaz Abubakar Siddique, an imam of Abuja's Central Mosque.


So this guy is on allah's payroll, eh? I don't even know what to say about this other than Nigeria is run by crooks, con artists and sexual deviants.

06 August 2008

Incompetent Muslim Doctors

KLH director: We didn’t force Anwar to strip naked

Kuala Lumpur Hospital director Dr Zaininah Mohd Zain says specialists adhered to procedures during examination

KUALA LUMPUR: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim was not forced to strip naked during a medical examination at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital (KLH), its director said.

"At no time throughout the examination was his decency violated," Datuk Dr Zaininah Mohd Zain said yesterday.

She said before the examination, the procedures were explained to the former deputy prime minister by two specialists in the presence of his lawyer.

"Only after having obtained his written consent did they proceed with the examination," Dr Zaininah said.

"He was then examined by the two specialists who adhered to proper clinical procedures during the whole course of the examination."
Police took Anwar, 61, to KLH on Wednesday night for medical tests after he was arrested to facilitate an investigation into a sodomy allegation against him.

Mohd Saiful Bukhari Azlan lodged a report on June 28 at the Jalan Travers police station, claiming Anwar had sodomised him.

Police have classified the case as carnal intercourse against the order of nature without consent, an offence which carries a jail sentence of between five and 20 years, with whipping.

At the hospital, Anwar refused to give his blood sample for DNA testing, claiming the evidence could be fabricated to implicate him.

He also spoke later of his embarrassment at being ordered to strip naked and "measured" when he was taken to the hospital.

"I was stripped naked and had my private parts examined. They also measured the parts," he said at a press conference on Thursday.

On the same day, however, a KLH official denied that Anwar had been subjected to indignity or "measured".

The official said those brought in for rape or sodomy cases were accorded respect and examined in a professional manner in keeping with the code of medical conduct.

In the instance where patients have to be examined for injury, the official said only the relevant part of the patient's body would be exposed.

"There is no necessity for the patient to be stripped naked for a full examination," the official added.


Not that I condone forced sodomy, but this is insane. This sounds like just another excuse for queer muslims to get their hands on some other mans nads and have it justified. There is a lot of latent homosexuality running rampant in islam, and it's only getting worse. Young muslim men turn to each other for sexual gratification since they aren't allowed to have any contact with women until they're married. This results in huge circle jerk parties of muslims, blowing islamic loads on each other, engaging in queer muslim anal sex with other men and of course their favorite activity, ass to mouth. Just because Mohammad encouraged this behavior doesn't make it right.

05 August 2008

Incompetent Muslim Sharia Law

Saudi judge held with drugs in Dubai: Report
Web posted at: 8/5/2008 2:36:55
Source ::: AFP

DUBAI • A Saudi judge who served as head of an Islamic court has been arrested in the Gulf emirate of Dubai on charges of possessing and using drugs, a newspaper reported yesterday.

Hamad Salim bin Naif, who served as head of a Shariah (Islamic law) court in Saudi Arabia, was arrested along with his Moroccan wife after police raided their room in a Dubai hotel on Friday and found four grams of hashish in his possession, the Khaleej Times said. The suspect confessed that he and his wife take drugs and said he brought the confiscated hashish from Saudi Arabia for their personal use, the English-language newspaper reported, citing a Dubai police source.

Shariah courts in Saudi Arabia impose tough penalties for drug-related charges, and drug trafficking is punishable by death in the ultra-conservative kingdom.

The United Arab Emirates, of which Dubai is a member, also imposes severe penalties for all drug-related offences. Four years in prison is the usual sentence for possession while trafficking carries the death penalty.

The bustling city state of Dubai is a prime leisure destination for residents of more conservative parts of the oil-rich Gulf region.


Just another case of "do as I say, not as I do" mentality of your garden variety muslim extremist. While they are ruling with an iron fist, clamping down on women who don't wear headscarves and associate with non-relatives, the use of alcohol and other piddly shit, those enforcing sharia law are out smoking hash, banging hookers and young hairless boys and drinking more booze than the Deltas at Faber College. Yep, that's islam!

04 August 2008

Incompetent Muslim Bomb-Makers

Bomb-makers among a dozen killed in Afghanistan

KABUL - Dozens of militants stormed a police post in Afghanistan overnight, killing four policemen, while two mullahs died on Monday when a bomb they were making in a mosque exploded, police said.

Some of the dozens of Taleban who attacked police in the central province of Ghazni were slain in a battle that lasted about an hour, provincial government spokesman Ismail Jahangir told AFP.

The Zana Khan district police chief was one of the policemen who died, he said. "A big number of Taleban have also been killed, but we don't know exactly how many," Jahangir said.

A spokesman for the Taleban movement, Zabihullah Mujahed, confirmed that fighters with his group had carried out the attack but claimed they had not suffered casualties.

The US military announced it had killed "several" militants elsewhere in Ghazni, a once quiet province that has seen a steep rise in Taleban activity in the past year.

The rebels were hit during an operation to capture a militant leader responsible for bomb attacks on troops, the force said.

The militant was captured, the force said in a statement, correcting an earlier release saying the operation was in Baghlan province in the north.

Jahangir said four men were killed in the strikes in the same area, and authorities were investigating claims they may have been civilians.

In Paktika province, which adjoins Ghazni, two men were killed when a waistcoat they were packing with bombs for use in a suicide attack exploded, the government said.

"Two mullahs (prayer leaders) were killed when a suicide vest they were building went off prematurely," said Zemarai Bashary, spokesman for the interior ministry, which handles police matters.

The pair was in a mosque near the border with Pakistan, he said.

Two other militants were killed when a mine they were trying to plant in a road went off in the southern province of Kandahar, said police commander Abdul Raziq.

Unrest linked to the insurgency has increased every year since the Taleban were forced out in a US-led invasion in late 2001 for harbouring Al-Qaeda.

This year, about 800 Afghan security force personnel and around 150 international troops have lost their lives in insurgency-linked unrest as have hundreds of civilians, according to various official estimates.

There are no official figures for the number of rebels killed.


Now this is the way I like to start my week - reading about the incompetency of muslims when it comes to making bombs. They are evidently short of *skilled* labor to make bombs and are now letting your garden variety retard plug things together. All I can say is I hope that they keep up the incompetent work.

What a bunch of assholes.

01 August 2008

Incompetent Muslim Pedophiles

Dare turns serious as 60-yr-old plans to marry girl
Saudi man 'wins' 10-yr-old in deal with her dad

DUBAI (AlArabiya.net)

A 60-year old Saudi man who was set to marry a 10-year old girl—he 'won' in a bet with her father—has postponed his marriage after protests from human rights groups, press reports revealed.

The fate of the little girl was decided after her father dared the elderly man to marry a second wife and teased him about being afraid of his current wife. The elderly man accepted the challenge and asked for his daughter's hand in marriage, Saudi newspaper Al-Madina reported.

The father couldn't retract the challenge and accepted the proposal, asking for a 100,000 riyal dowry, the paper said, adding the two men finalized the marriage procedures and the couple even underwent pre-marital tests, which shocked staff at the lab.

The Saudi National Human Rights Association sent a letter to the Emir of the northwestern city Hail, where the girl lives, and to court to stop the union.

The Association stated that the union is in violation of the international treaty for the protection of children from early marriages, of which Saudi Arabia is a signatory.

The residents of Hail shared the same sentiments and were actually the ones who demanded that the Association intercede to stop the marriage.

Last March, the Association stopped the marriage of a 12-year old boy and his 11-year old cousin in the southwestern province of Jizan.

Saudi sociologist Abdullah Al-Harbi said that in these kinds of marriages the father technically sells his daughter, since the groom-to-be usually pays huge amounts of money to marry a younger girl to "satisfy his sexual desires."

"These marriages usually end up in failure, and the girl usually goes through trauma due to living with a man who is much older," he said.


And muslims claim that the west is immoral! This is nothing but legal pedophilia - in the name of religion! Islam is a cult that makes Jim Jones look like the pope. Devout muslim men dream of having sex with children and believe that they are entitled to it because Muhammad did it and said it was great. Muhammad was lusting over a one year old infant and this guy is a hero to a billion muslim retards.